Let’s embrace the power of choice.

I remember the days when sugar had me tightly in its grip, making me feel like I was on a never-ending roller coaster of cravings and guilt. But here I am today, living my best zero-carb life, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the journey.

This video could be the lifeline someone out there needs. It’s not just about my struggles; it’s about the realization that we have the power to make choices that can truly transform our health and happiness. Eating carnivore isn’t just another diet plan—it’s a wake-up call to anyone who feels enslaved by their cravings for sugar and processed foods.

In this video, I dive deep into my personal battle with sugar, a moment of weakness with a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, and how I emerged on the other side with a newfound understanding of what it means to nourish my body. I share insights on the importance of choosing nutrient-dense, satisfying meals and the liberation that comes from recognizing that we can’t always be moderators of addictive foods—sometimes, we have to choose abstinence for our well-being.

If you’re tired of the diet roller coaster and ready to take control of your health, I invite you to watch this video. And if you’re looking for something more, let’s work together. Learn more about coaching, or sign up for a single-month or renewing session today! Join me on this journey, and let’s embrace the power of choice together.

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  1. Kelly, I think you’re awesome! A friend told me about your youtubes July 23. I started carnivore couple days later, so I’m now in my 8th month. Full disclosure, I’m ketovore/carnivore. (only other foods I eat besides meat are lettuce, cucumbers, and coleslaw. Make my own dressing.
    Real reason for commenting though, is because I binge watched your videos and learned about the CAC test, my husband’s life was saved!
    My husband and I attend the same MD. My Dr. wanted to put me on a statin (to be safe) because I have mild plaque in my carotid arteries that’s been stable many years. I told him I would like a CAC test to “see” where I stand. He agreed and my husband who was in the examining room with me told him, he would like a CAC test as well.
    Long story short, we had our tests. Mine was a perfect 0, my husband’s was 2118! He saw a cardiologist the next week. Had a heart cath a few days later . 98% blockage in one main artery, 75 and 70% in two other arteries. Surgical stent put in place in the 95% blocked artery 2 weeks later. My husband NEVER had any symptoms….he would have fallen over from a heart attack if this hadn’t been found!
    Can’t thank you enough for all you do! Can’t wait for May sessions to begin! (I’m all signed up! 🙂 )

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