
The Binge Eating Cure

Binge eating starts as a survival technique, but it makes you feel miserable.

People ask me about binge eating from time to time. A lot of times they’re just wondering if they’re binge eaters. Friend, if you are, you know. Most of us have probably over-eaten at one point or another. But binge eaters are people who consume large quantities of food rapidly and without control, even when they’re not hungry. Afterwards, there are intense feelings of shame or regret, not to mention the physical discomforts that come with it.

I have also struggled with binge eating from the time I was a teenager, so I wanted to create a resource with ideas on how to stop that painful binge and restrict cycle. In the video I discuss the origins of binge eating, the thought processes I used to end the cycle for myself, tips that are often helpful to people, and some incredibly valuable resources that are available. Many of these tips and recommendations would also be helpful to someone trying to break other addictions and change harmful habits to create healthier ones.

Troubleshooting together and celebrating our wins together is part of every single meeting that I host.  If you’d like some support or you’d like to hear what’s working for people in your own group, I would love to work with you in one of my coaching groups! We work on breaking addiction, utilizing metabolic reset days, tracking calories according to your own TDEE, and improving sleep and digestion. And we do it all while supporting one another and having a good time. Sign up for single-month or recurring coaching sessions before they sell out!

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