
The Last Twenty Pounds

Spoiler alert: I didn’t have to break a sweat.

When I first jumped into improving my own journey, it took an entire year to lose 80 pounds. Over time, I adjusted that diet to go from low to zero carb, and I eliminated artificial sweeteners and other triggers to stay at a stable weight. I found a way to keep it sustainable.

This summer, though, I noticed my weight creeping up. Maybe you’ve had this experience, too! And honestly, I let it get to my head. What’s going on? Is this because I’m turning 45?

If you know me, you know that I’m always up to try an experiment. In this video, I explain some of what I’ve been doing to push through that and finally shed the last twenty pounds. Here’s the crazy part: I didn’t even have to break a sweat.

Are you trying to find your way past those last 20 pounds, too? Maybe you’re just getting started. Or maybe you’re on the sidelines, wondering where to start. My Zero Carb Life coaching can help! Find your tribe by signing up for single-month or renewing coaching sessions. You can accomplish your goals with good coaching, powerful resources, and an amazing tribe supporting you.

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