Showing: 41 - 50 of 57 Articles

A Touchy Carnivore Topic

A “Tail” of Two Carnivores… In the diet and nutrition space, the topic of Calories is much-debated with wildly varying opinions and conflicting advice.  And in the Carnivore arena, it can become downright HEATED. “Heated” like an Otto-Wilde grill on full blast preparing to put the perfect crust on a marbled ribeye.  Now THAT’S hot, …

Client Success Stories: Karol Igou

After multiple cancer diagnoses, Karol was given five years of life expectancy. Eight years later, she’s eating meat, going to CrossFit, and sharing her inspiring story. Karol Igou was in a terrible place. Eight years ago, she was diagnosed and treated for stage 4 lung cancer, and in 2017, she was diagnosed with a stage …

Success Stories: Kathryn

Client Success Stories: Kathryn Walters

“You have nothing to lose with the Carnivore diet–except your ailment. You’ll feel so free.” Here’s another Carnivore success story! Kathryn felt like she was doomed to be overweight her entire life. In 2021, she was fed up with her health–she was regurgitating her food, she weighed 230 pounds, she didn’t feel well, and she …