Real-life people, real-life breakthroughs.

One thing I love about hosting Zoom calls for Carnivores is watching happy and healthy people eat steak and ribs on camera (while muted, of course).  But my absolute favorite part is hearing from people who are having breakthroughs and then picking their brains to find out exactly what’s working to give them those positive results. I love asking, “Who has some good news to share?” and “How did you DO that?” We all learn so much from one another! 

In this episode, we hear what’s working for Amy who has recently broken free from carb-addiction again after a recent relapse, and she shares the mental trick that’s working for her. We also hear what’s helping people to break their weight loss stalls, get better sleep, clear up their skin, and beat volume addiction. 

There is nothing more exciting for me than hearing from real people who are getting real results, and I’m excited to pass these breakthroughs on to you. 

Troubleshooting together and celebrating our wins together is part of every single meeting that I host.  If you’d like some support or you’d like to hear what’s working for people in your own group, I would love to work with you in one of my coaching groups! We work on breaking addiction, utilizing metabolic reset days, tracking calories according to your own TDEE, and improving sleep and digestion. And we do it all while supporting one another and having a good time.

Learn more about coaching, or sign up for a single-month or renewing session today!

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