
Client Success Stories: Kathryn Walters

“You have nothing to lose with the Carnivore diet–except your ailment. You’ll feel so free.”

Here’s another Carnivore success story! Kathryn felt like she was doomed to be overweight her entire life. In 2021, she was fed up with her health–she was regurgitating her food, she weighed 230 pounds, she didn’t feel well, and she was only eating 1,200 calories a day. On top of that, she had to use laxatives regularly to even use the bathroom. One day, when she was 54 years old, she realized she couldn’t stand up from the floor without assistance. She felt like she was out of options.

She had heard of a Keto diet, but when she researched a Carnivore diet, she kept seeing the word healing. On September 24, 2021, she started eating a a zero-carb, Carnivore diet. The choice wasn’t hard for her–she thought she’d do it for 30 days, see if it helped her digestive issues, and honestly, she felt so bad she was desperate to try anything. When you’re that sick, she said, “you have nothing to lose–except your ailment.”

The results came quickly. She hasn’t taken a laxative since, and she lost 90 pounds throughout the course of that first year.

Kathryn had to learn how to reverse diet–she eats more calories than she did when she was overweight, and her fat intake provides most of her calories. It took some learning and adjusting, she said. Eventually, she found a sustainable, enjoyable diet.

It’s been my absolute pleasure to work with Kathryn for more than a year now, and I hope she’s inspired you with her Carnivore success story. I really mean it when I say I love to see her face on my coaching calls! Check out the entire interview using the link above, and if you think coaching could help, I’d love to work with you.

Learn more about coaching or sign up for single-month or renewing sessions today.

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