Let’s turn desperation into an asset.

Almost daily, someone asks me how on earth I finally just STARTED Carnivore and managed to stick with it. I get DMs from people who truly KNOW what they need to do, and maybe they even manage to string together a few days of meaty eating and better habits, but then they fall back into their old toxic foods and old harmful habits.  They often express their disappointment in themselves and ask me how anyone can manage to make it through to the other side of these addictions when it seems so impossible.  They feel broken. 

My heart goes out to them because I remember having those same feelings.  I frequently take quiet moments to look at old photos and to reflect about what exactly changed in my thinking process and my mindset when I was first told to eliminate carbs from my diet.  Even though it’s been many years since I made those changes, I still have very clear memories of what it was like to go through physical and mental withdrawals from my former favorite foods.  I remember the struggle of no longer ordering the endless breadsticks and dessert.  A big part of my life revolved around my favorite carb-laden restaurants and treats, and it wasn’t easy to suddenly cut all of that out.  If you’re struggling right now (or you know someone who could use the help), you aren’t alone.  It isn’t easy to grieve the loss of your old coping techniques, favorite old flavors, and old habits.  But I promise you:  IT CAN BE DONE.  And when you do it, IT WILL BE WORTH IT. 

In this video, I talk through the magic recipe for what I experienced in the beginning of my dietary overhaul back in 2004, as well as what I’ve seen work best for my group members through the years. 

If you’re struggling with sugar, carb, or processed-food addiction, this video explains what happens in the frontal lobe of our brain versus our limbic system. Did you know that the planning and thinking part of our brain slows to a screeching halt when the reward system of our brain is engaged? Understanding the mechanisms of these two parts of our brain can give us a clearer idea of how to fix the issue of addiction.

After you finish watching the video, fill out this free worksheet, which will give you the opportunity to think through the four steps that I share here. 

If you need more help, well, this is my passion. Let’s work together! Join a group of people who are on a similar path to healing and freedom.

Learn more about coaching or sign up for single-month or renewing sessions today.

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