The day-to-day grind is where the magic’s at
I wish you could see how many plateaus and times of frustration there were between the photo on the left and this photo from today. The fact is, I didn’t even get CLOSE to my current weight until around years 4-5 without hardly any carbs. My weight loss stalled out MANY times during those years without ever having any sugar, so I strongly identify with people when they feel frustrated by the scale. BEEN THERE.

It’s incredibly easy (but naïve) to assume that someone’s success and results came without years of consistency despite many tears, times of wanting to quit, and periods of “why isn’t this working??!!!”
Please remember this: Every before and after pic has a lot more story to tell than “TA DA!” (But if you saw the work and heartache that came in between, you’d hopefully be even MORE in awe. I am!!)
The work that we put in every day IS the win. It all adds up, and every day won’t bring new and amazing results…especially if you’re only looking to the scale for confirmation…trust me. But many years of doing good things for yourself will bring results that will blow your mind in the long-term. The day-to-day, slow-and-steady, unsexy work is where the magic and miracles all take place. So keep looking for them.
In today’s video, Kathie David shares her level-headed advice and experience as she has endured (AND BROKEN THROUGH!) some LONG weight-loss stalls as a Carnivore. Kathie has been Carnivore for about 20 months and shared with me how she broke a one-year-weight-loss-stall. I hope her words of wisdom and advice will give you hope, as well as some ideas to try if you’re also struggling.
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