Sometimes it’s helpful to think outside the box. Here are five new ideas to help you.

While Carnivore isn’t new to me–I’ve been at this a long time!–I’m always taking classes, learning, and seeking out new information to help my coaching clients. Some of that comes from other coaches and experts, and some of it comes from my own work with clients.

This month, I’ve come away with some really cool stuff, and I wanted to share it with you in this video. Here are a few highlights:

  1. You’ve got a very cool part of your brain that shapes your persistence. It’s called the anterior mid-cingulate cortex, but don’t worry about pronouncing it–this part of your brain is grow-able. You can strengthen your persistence! I talk about how in this video.
  2. Processed oils are not good. We went on a cruise for our family vacation this month, and I committed to doing something I normally don’t do when we’re traveling.
  3. My friend Donna sent me something incredible: a strung-out looking puppet named Lizard Brain. He’s my new favorite thing to pull out during class, and I’m excited to tell you how to vanquish him.
  4. Walk more, eat more. This is more of a personal experiment, but I’ve been trying to find a tipping point between eating and exercise, and I have something fun to report.
  5. This month’s coaching group members are killing it. Why? I’ve got a few ideas…

Go give this video a watch, and let me know what you think in the comments! And if you’re looking for someone to help you in your own wellness journey, I would be honored to help. Right now we’re signing folks up for March classes. You can always learn about coaching before you sign up, and be sure to check out a few of my clients’ success stories.

Want to give it a one-time try? Single-month coaching is for you!

Ready to commit for a longer term? Join as a renewing member, and guarantee your spot until you’re ready to cancel.

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1 Comment

  1. Kelly thanks for the phenomenal pre- lunch brain storm! I love your sense of humor & teaching style, like sharing with a good friend!
    I’m thrilled you & your beautiful family got to have a fab cruise and spoke up for yourself & asked for what you wanted!
    I love your new lizard brain maskot!
    Papa’s blessings!

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