The little white line between before and after photos has its own story to tell.

About a week ago, I was scrolling Facebook when I saw some photos that made me feel a little weak in the knees and sweaty.  I thought they must surely be photoshopped, but no, the post said they were legitimately un-doctored photos.  And when I saw them, I immediately felt less strong and less brave than the people doing these terrifying feats. But there was a story behind those photos.

The same is true when it comes to those dieting before-and-after photos. Sometimes you look at those and wonder, are these real? Is that the same person? Surely that must be photoshopped.

In this video I explain the photos and then talk through my own past before-and-after photos.  I wouldn’t want anything I’ve ever posted to make someone feel less brave, less competent, or less strong than I am.  I hope the story behind my photos will offer you some encouragement today.  Plus, there’s a really fun analogy here that I heard this week that hit home with me. 

If you’re looking for support and guidance, I’d love to work with you in one of my coaching groups. Together, we can navigate these challenges and help you achieve the health improvements you’re aiming for. Learn more about coaching, or sign up for a single-month or renewing session today! Join me on this journey, and let’s make every day better for your health.

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  1. Kelly, I have been trying to get myself under control since January. I love your video because they are always so encouraging. I am so frustrated though. I am constantly knocking myself off the zero carb diet. I know I am addicted to sugar and high-carb, highly processed foods. I don’t even necessarily like them! I haven’t given up, but I really want to at times. Thanks for posting. One day I may be successful. But today, not so much.

    1. I hear you, and I’m so glad you’re not giving up. Remember, progress over perfection is key. It’s okay to have setbacks; what matters is getting back on track. Focus on the wins, no matter how small, and learn from each challenge. Keep trusting the process, and celebrate every step forward. You’ve got this, and we’re here cheering you on every step of the way!

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